Attested Persons

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Emdash (—) in a name indicates missing letters at the beginning (see "—" in alphabet bar), middle or end.
Hyphen ( - ) indicates a hyphenated name.
Square brackets [ ] indicate that the name is partially or completely restored in this inscription.
Pilcrow (¶) links to a permanent web address for each person, for referencing in external prosopographical databases.

Σ— S—IInd century B.C. father of —doros
Σ— S—2nd half of IV - early IIIrd century B.C. daughter of Hipok—
Σα— Sa—X century C.E. father of Isidoros
Σαβᾶς Sabas2nd half of the ХI–XII century C.E.
Σαιν— Sain—IInd century B.C. related of Apollo—
Σα.λιχ Sa—likh470–480s C.E. (before 491–492 C.E.; 473–474 or 483–484 C.E.?).
Σαμβάτιος Sabbatios1168–1198 C.E.
Σαμβάτις SabbatisLate IV-V centuries C.E.
Σανβατίων SambationIInd century C.E. father of Arrianos —des
Σαννίων Sannion1st half of IIIrd century B.C. son of Megakles
husband of Mendiko
father of Apollonios
father of Dionysios
mother of Dionysios
Σατικελ Satikel1271 C.E. father of Michalis
Σατουρνίλλα SaturnillaSecond half of IV century C.E.
Σάτυρος Satyros1st third of IInd century A.D. father of Thrasymedes
grandfather of Satyros
Σαυαγος Sauagas478–492 C.E. κὀμης; πρῶτος ἐπὶ κόμητας
Σαυχάτις Saukhatis1291 C.E.
Σεβεστιανός Μανίακος Sebastian ManiakosLate X – 1st half of XI century C.E.
Σέξστος Ὀκτάουιος Φρόντων Sextus Octavius Fronto91/92 - 97 C.E. πρεσβευτής ἀντιστράτηγος
Σέξστος Οὐεττουληνὸς Κεριᾶλις Sextus Vettulenus Cerialis73-78 C.E. πρεσβευτής ἀντιστράτηγος
Σευραγ Seurag470–480s C.E. (before 491–492 C.E.; 473–474 or 483–484 C.E.?).
Σιμαῖος SimaiosIInd century B.C. son of Damatrios
Σιμεόνις SimeonisXIII–XV centuries C.E.
Σιμεώνις Simeonis1387 C.E. son of George
Σιμίας SimiasLate IV - 1st half of IIIrd centuries B.C. father of Bion
grandfather of Antibion
Σίμονος SimonVI century C.E. husband of Thais
Σίμων SimonXIV–XV centuries C.E.
Σίμων SimonXI century C.E.
Σισίνιος SisiniosVI–VII centuries C.E.
Σκύθας SkythasLate I - 1st half of IInd centuries C.E. son of Theagenes
Σο.κα—ν So.ka—nLate XIII - early XIV centuries C.E.
Σολτὴκ ῥαΐζης Soltyk-rais 1362 C.E.
Σοτήρικος Soterikos1272–1273 C.E.
Σοτήρικος SoterikosXIII–XV centuries C.E.
Σουγηαλμαγε SougialmageLate X – 1st half of XI century C.E.
Σουσις SousisIIrd century C.E.
Σοφαίνετος SophainetosIV century C.E.
Σοφία SophiaXIV–XV centuries C.E.
Σοφρόνιος SophroniosXIV–XV centuries C.E.
Σοφρόνιος SophroniosXIV-XV centuries C.E.
Σπαδιν— Spadin—479–492 C.E. κόμης; ἐπὶ τῆς πινακίδος
Στέφανος Stephanos1439 C.E.
Στέφανος StephanosIV–V centuries C.E. πρεσβύτερος
Στέφανος StephanosIV–V centuries C.E. πρεσβύτερος
Στέφανος Stephanos1456 C.E. ἀναγνώστης
Στέφανος StephanosXI–XII centuries C.E.
Στέφανος StephanosIV century C.E.
Στέφανος StephanosIIIrd century B.C. father of Damatrios
Στέφανος StephanosIIIrd century B.C. son of Damatrios
son of Theagenis
Στρατίνικος StratonikosIInd century C.E. son of Lukios
Στρατόνεικος Stratoneikos2nd half of II - early IIIrd centuries C.E. father of Delphos
Στρατόνικος StratonikosCirca 46 B.C. father of Athanaios
Στράτων StratonLate IV - early IIIrd centuries B.C. son of Agnias
brother of Apemantos
Στράτων StratonThe last quarter of the IInd century C.E. father of Themistos
Συρίσκος Syriskos1st half of IIIrd century B.C. son of Heracleides
Συρίων SyrionIInd century C.E. son of Syrion
brother of Sopolis
    Συρίων SyrionIInd century C.E. father of Syrion
    father of Sopolis
    Σύρος SyrosNot before IIIrd century A.D.
    Σωπόλις SopolisIInd century B.C. father of Herodotos
    Σωπόλις SopolisLate III - 1st half IInd centuries B.C. son of Hymnos
    Σώπολις SopolisIInd century C.E. son of Syrion
    brother of Syrion
    Σωπόλις SopolisLate IV - 1st half of IIIrd centuries B.C. husband of Arkeso
    Σωσίκα SosikaIst century A.D. daughter of Xanth—
    wife of Apollon—
    Σωτηρία SoteriaLate III - 1st half IInd centuries B.C. wife of Formion
    Σωτήρικος SoterikosXIII–XV centuries C.E. father of Ianis (?)
    Σωτήρικος SoterikosXIII–XV centuries C.E. father of Ianis (?)
    Σωτήρις SoterisLate IV-V centuries C.E.
    Σωτηρίς SoterisLate IV - early IIIrd centuries B.C. wife of Alkimos
    daughter of Hieron
    Σωτήριχος Sterichos2nd half of II - 1st half of IIIrd centuries C.E. husband of Koncha priest ?
    Σωτιάς SotiasSecond half of IV-V centuries C.E.
    Σώτιμος SotimosLate IV - 1st half of IIIrd century B.C. son of Herokas
    Σωφρέβις SophrebisLate X – 1st half of XI century C.E.

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