Attested Persons

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Emdash (—) in a name indicates missing letters at the beginning (see "—" in alphabet bar), middle or end.
Hyphen ( - ) indicates a hyphenated name.
Square brackets [ ] indicate that the name is partially or completely restored in this inscription.
Pilcrow (¶) links to a permanent web address for each person, for referencing in external prosopographical databases.

Θ— F—2nd half of IInd century – beginning of IIIrd century C.E. father of
Θαΐς ThaisVI century C.E. daughter of Anastasios
daughter of Mary
wife of Simon
Θε— The—IV-V centuries C.E.
Θεαγένης Theagenes565–574 C.E.
Θεαγένης TheagenesLate I - 1st half of IInd centuries C.E. father of Skythas
Θεαγένης TheagenesProbably not long after 10th July 138 son of Diogenes
brother of Athenaios
Θεαγένης TheagenesIInd century A.D. son of Diogenes γραμματεύς
Θεαγενίς TheagenisIIIrd century B.C. daughter of Dionysios
wife of Damatrios
mother of Stephanos
Θεαγενίων TheagenionProbably not long after 10th July 138 father of Herakleides
Θεδόρα ThedoraIV-V centuries C.E.
Θέμιστος ThemistosThe last quarter of the IInd century C.E. son of Straton
husband of Basilike
Θεογένης TheogenesLate II - first half of Ist century B.C. son of Agathon
Θεόγενος TheogenosCirca 46 B.C. father of Gaius Julius Satyros
Θεογν— Theogn—2nd half of II - early 1 centuries B.C.E.
Θεοδόσιος TheodosiosX–XI centuries C.E.
Θεοδόσιος TheodosiosIst century C.E. πάλην
Θεοδόσις TheodosisIV–V centuries C.E.
Θεοδότη Theodote1065 C.E.
Θεοδότος TheodotosSecond half of IV - V centuries C.E.
Θεοδωράκης TheodorakesVI century C.E.
Θεοδωρίτζης Theodoritzes1361–1362 C.E. father of Ikoumanisa
son of Chadim
Θεοδωρίτζης Theodoritzes1301 C.E. brother of Chatais
son of Palpan
grandson of Tzogatai
Θεόδωρος Theodore1439 C.E.
Θεόδωρος TheodoreVIth cent. C.E. ἐπίσκοπος
Θεόδωρος TheodoreVI century C.E.
Θεόδωρος Theodorelate IV–V century C.E.
Θεόδωρος TheodoreIV–V centuries C.E. father of Kyriakos
Θεόδωρος TheodoreX century C.E.
Θεόδωρος Theodore1027 C.E.
Θεόδωρος TheodoreXIII–XV centuries C.E.
Θεόδωρος TheodoreXIII–XV centuries C.E. father of Paulinis
Θεόδωρος TheodoreXIV–XV centuries C.E.
Θεόδωρος Theodore1291–1392 C.E. son of Tigi—seg—
Θεόδωρος TheodoreEarly VI century C.E.
Θεόδωρος TheodoreIV-V centuries C.E.
Θεόδωρος TheodoreIV-V centuries C.E.
Θεόδωρος TheodoreIV-V centuries C.E.
Θεόδωρος Theodore884 C.E.
Θεόδωρος (?) Theodore (?)Х–XIV centuries C.E.
Θεοτέλειος TheotelesLate IV - 1st half of IIIrd century B.C. father of Euthena
Θεότιμος Theotimos2nd half of IIIrd century B.C. son of
Θεοφάνης PheophanesIIIrd century B.C. father of Damatria
Θεοφάνης TheophanesLate IV - 1st half of IIIrd century B.C. father of Euios
Θεοφάνης TheophanesLate II - early Ist centuries B.C. father of
Θεόφαντος Theophantos2nd half of IIIrd century B.C. father of Herophantos
Θεόφαντος TheophantosLate IV - early IIIrd centuries B.C. son of Apemantos
Θεοχάρης TheocharesIIIrd century B.C. father of Xenokles
Θευγένης Theogenes1st half of IIIrd century B.C. father of —a
Θεωδόρις TheodorisX–XI centuries C.E.
Θεώδορον TheodoreXIV–XV centuries C.E.
Θεώδορος TheodoreVIII–IX centuries C.E.
Θεωδότης TheodotesX–XI centuries C.E.
Θοριμαγ Thorimag470–480s C.E. (before 491–492 C.E.; 473–474 or 483–484 C.E.?).
Θρασυ— Phrasy—IInd century C.E. father of Aristo—chos
grandfather of
Θρασυμήδης Thrasymedes1st third of IInd century A.D. son of Thrasymedes
grandson of Satyros
    Θρασυμήδης Thrasymedes1st third of IInd century A.D. father of Thrasymedes
    son of Satyros
    Θωμᾶς ThomasLate X – 1st half of XI century C.E.

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