Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea
Structure of the new IOSPE
- Series 1 (Lapidary Inscriptions)
- Volume I. Tyras and vicinity
- Volume II. Olbia and vicinity
- II.1 Inscriptions of pre-Getic Olbia (6th – 1st cent. BC)
- II.2 Inscriptions of post-Getic Olbia (1st – 4th cent. AD)
- Volume III. Chersonesus and vicinity (Western, Central, and Southern Crimea)
- III.1 Greek Inscriptions
- III.2 Latin Inscriptions
- Volume IV. Bosporus
- IV.1 Inscriptions of Panticapaeum
- IV.2 Inscriptions of the European Bosporus except Panticapaeum
- IV.3 Inscriptions of Asian Bosporus
- IV.4 Inscriptions of Tanais
- Volume V. Byzantine Inscriptions
Series 2 of the corpus will contain graffiti and dipinti.
Geography of the corpus structure
The organization of the corpus into four volumes is due to a recognition of four ancient geo-political areas of the Northern Black Sea, from west to east: Tyras and vicinity, Olbia and vicinity, Chersonesos and Central and North-Western Crimea, and Bosporus.
The inscriptions included in the new IOSPE constitute the combined production of about 33 ancient Greek communities that dwelled along the Northern Coast of the Black Sea, among them the communities of Tyras, Nikonion, Borysthenes (Berezan), Olbia, Kalos Limen, Kerkinitis, Neapolis Scythica, Chersonesos, Kharax, Theodosia, Kimmerikon, Kytaia, Akra, Nymphaion, Iluraton, Tyritake, Zenonos Chersonesos, Patraeus, Tyrambe, Kepoi, Phanagoreia, Hermonasse, Korokondame, Gorgippia, Labris, Bata, and Tanais.

Map (c) MapMaster CC-BY-SA 3.0