III 7. Chersonesos.Decree honouring a man in the service of Mithridates Eupator, between 120 - 63 B.C.E.






Dimensions (cm)

H.29.0, W.18.0, Th.3.8.

Additional description

Three joining fragments of a panel broken off on all sides. 

Place of Origin


Find place

Sevastopol (Chersonesos). 

Find context

Bottom right fragment: central sector of the citadel, near St. Vladimir cathedral. Bottom left fragment: northeast sector of the citadel. Top fragment: "on the inside of the monastery wall, field XIX." 

Find circumstances

Bottom right fragment found in 1891, excavations of K.K. Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich (НА НЗХТ, д. 20, л. 3, № 48). Bottom left fragment found in 1913, excavations of R.Ch. Loeper (НА НЗХТ, д. 109, л. 40, № 2929). Top fragment found in 1914, excavations of R.Ch. Loeper (НА НЗХТ, д. 110, л. 4, № 126). 

Modern location


Institution and inventory

National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos, 34845 and 34875. 

Epigraphic field


On the front. 


Alpha with broken crossbar and open top, delta with open top, gamma with long horizontal, kappa with short diagonals, four-bar sigma with splayed bars; serifs and flaring of the ends of letterstrokes. 

Letterheights (cm)




Honorific decree. 


Between 120 - 63 B.C.E. 

Dating criteria



Latyshev1892, 18, № 3; IOSPE IV 66; IOSPE I2 349. 


[νομοφύλακες. c. 16.]
[καὶ ὁ ἐπὶ τᾶς] διοικήσε[ος. c. 7.]
[. c. 11.]εῖος vac. 1 litt. εἶπ[αν]· [ἐπειδὴ]
[. 6. Κε?]φα̣λᾶ̣ Ἀμι[σηνὸς. c. 4.]
[. 6. ἀποσταλε]ί̣ς̣ ὑπὸ βα[σιλέος Μι-]
5[θραδάτα Εὐ]πάτορος εἰς [τὰν πόλιν]
[ἁμῶν ἐν πᾶσιν] εὔνουν ἑ[αυτὸν πα-]
[ρέχεται καὶ] πάντα τὰ .[. 10.]
[. 7. κατα]σκευάζε̣[ι τάν τε παρε-]
[πιδαμίαν ε]ὐσχήμονα [καὶ συμφέ-]
10[ρουσαν τῶι τ]ε βασιλε[ῖ καὶ τᾶι πόλει]
[ἁμῶν ποιεῖται] δεδόχ[θαι τᾶι βουλᾶι]
[καὶ] τῶι δάμωι ἐπαιν[έσαι μὲν αὐτὸν]
[ἐπ]ὶ τούτο[ι]ς κα[ὶ δό]μ[εν αὐτῶι καὶ]
[ἐκ]γόνοις προξενί[αν πολιτείαν εἴσ-]
15[πλ]ουν ἔκπ[λ]ουν ἀσυλ[εὶ καὶ ἀσπονδεὶ]
[αὐ]τοῖς καὶ χ̣ρήμασι τὰ [δὲ ἐψαφισμένα ἀνα-]
[γ]ράψαι τοὺς συμνάμ[ονας εἰς στάλαν λευ-]
[κοῦ] λίθου καὶ θέμεν εἰς[. c. 11.]
[. c. 6. τ]ὸ δὲ [γ]ενόμ[ενον ἀνάλωμα δό-]
20[μεν τοὺς ταμία]ς τῶν ἱερ[ῶν ταῦτ’ ἔδοξε βου-]
[λᾶι καὶ δάμ]ωι μηνὸς [. c. 13.]


[···········]ΕΙΟΣ  ΕΙΠ[........]
[······ ..]Φ.Λ. ΑΜΙ[.....····]

EpiDoc (XML)

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      	<lb n="0"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="line"/>
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         <supplied reason="lost">δό</supplied>μ<supplied reason="lost">εν</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">αὐτῶι καὶ</supplied>
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         <supplied reason="lost">πολιτείαν</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">εἴσ</supplied>
      	<lb n="15" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">πλ</supplied>ουν ἔκπ<supplied reason="lost">λ</supplied>ουν ἀσυλ<supplied reason="lost">εὶ</supplied> 
         <supplied reason="lost">καὶ ἀσπονδεὶ</supplied>
    	<lb n="16"/><supplied reason="lost">αὐ</supplied>τοῖς καὶ <unclear>χ</unclear>ρήμασι τὰ 
         <supplied reason="lost">δὲ ἐψαφισμένα</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">ἀνα</supplied>
      	<lb n="17" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">γ</supplied>ράψαι τοὺς συμνάμ<supplied reason="lost">ονας</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">εἰς 
      	     στάλαν</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">λευ</supplied>
      	<lb n="18" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">κοῦ</supplied> λίθου καὶ θέμεν εἰς<gap reason="lost" quantity="11" unit="character" precision="low"/>
      	<lb n="19"/><gap reason="lost" unit="character" quantity="6" precision="low"/> <supplied reason="lost">τ</supplied>ὸ δὲ 
         <supplied reason="lost">γ</supplied>ενόμ<supplied reason="lost">ενον</supplied>
      <supplied reason="lost">ἀνάλωμα</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">δό</supplied>
     <lb n="20" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">μεν</supplied>
      <supplied reason="lost">τοὺς</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">ταμία</supplied>ς τῶν 
         ἱερ<supplied reason="lost">ῶν</supplied><supplied reason="lost"> ταῦτ’
         ἔδοξε</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">βου</supplied>
      	<lb n="21" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">λᾶι</supplied>
      <supplied reason="lost">καὶ</supplied>
      <supplied reason="lost">δάμ</supplied><supplied reason="undefined" evidence="previouseditor">ωι</supplied>
      <supplied reason="undefined" evidence="previouseditor">μη</supplied>νὸς 
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Latyshev1895, 77, ad № 3; НЭПХ II (Solomonik 1973) 110; Avram2002, 69 (= Bull.ép. 2004, 230 (Ph. Gauthier); SEG 52, 735); Avram2013 30, № 309, 310. 

Apparatus criticus

2: [- - - κλ]εῖοςIOSPE I2
5: [ὁ δ. - - -]λάδα Μη[. . . . . .πρεσ]|[βευτάς]IOSPE I2; [Κε]φαλᾶ Ἀμι[σηνὸς πρεσ]|[βευτάς] corr.Solomonik; [---]φαλᾶ Ἀμι[σηνὸς στρα]|[ταγός] (cf. SEG 47, 1125: 4-5)Avram2002
7-8: τὰ τ[ᾶς πρεσβείας] | [ἄριστα κατα]σκευάζ[ει]IOSPE I2; τὰ π[ρὸς τὸν]| [καιρὸν παρα]σκευάζ[ει], (cf. Syll3, 707 = ISM I 65, l. 15)Avram2002
10: fin.: τᾶι πόλει scripsiIOSPE I2; τῶι δάμωιIOSPE I2
17: στάλαιIOSPE I2; εἰς στάλαν scripsi
21: fin.: (βασιλεύοντος ΔΔ, προαισυμνῶντος ΔΔ, γραμματεύοντος ΔΔ)


[Nomophylakes - - - and the head of] administration [--] prop[osed: since - - - (son of) - - -], citizen of Ami[sos, sent by king Mithridates Eu]pator to [our polis, in everything renders himself] friendly and everything - - - maintains his residence properly and makes it beneficial to the King and our polis, the Council and People shall deem it good to praise him because of these and to grant him and his descendants proxen[y, citizenship, right of sailing in and] out of the harbour, [without a threat of] confisca[tion and without formal treaty, for his fam]ily and his goods. Symmnamones shall inscribe [what has been decided on a stele of white st]one and set it up [in ---]. The treasurer of sacred funds shall disburse (funds) for the incurred expense. [These decisions the Council and the Peo]ple made in the month [---].



(cc)© 2017 Igor Makarov (edition), Irene Polinskaya (translation)
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