Attested Persons

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Ψυχή PsycheIst century B.C.E. wife of Bithys
Βίθυς BithysIst century B.C.E. husband of Psyche
ca. 120–63 B.C. son of Kephalas
    Κεφαλᾶς Kephalasca. 120–63 B.C. father of πρεσβευτής
    — Ὀλβιοπολίτης — of OlbiaLast fourth of IInd - 1st half Ist century B.C.
      Θεογένης TheogenesLate II - first half of Ist century B.C. son of Agathon
      Ἀγάθων AgathonLate II - first half of Ist century B.C. father of Pasion
      Πασίων PasionLate II - first half of Ist century B.C. son of Apollas
      Ἀπολλᾶς ApollasLate II - first half of Ist century B.C. father of Pasion
      —υδαμος —ydamosLate II - 1st half of Ist centuries B.C. son of Alphi—
      Ἀθλι— Alphi—Late II - 1st half of Ist centuries B.C. father of —ydamos
      Ἀντιφιλο— Antiphilo—Late IInd - 1st half of Ist B.C.E.
      Late II - early Ist centuries B.C. daughter of Theophanes
      wife of Alkimos
        Θεοφάνης TheophanesLate II - early Ist centuries B.C. father of
        Ἀλκίμος AlkimosLate II - early Ist centuries B.C. husband of
        Ἀπολλώνιος Apollonios2nd half of IInd century B.C. son of Herakleodoros
        Ἡρακλεοδώρος Herakleodoros2nd half of IInd century B.C. father of Apollonios
        Β—ων B—on2nd half of IInd century B.C. son of At—
        Ατ— At—2nd half of IInd century B.C. father of B—on
        Νάνα Nana2nd half of IInd century B.C. daughter of Damokles
        wife of Philippos
        Δαμοκλῆς Damokles2nd half of IInd century B.C. father of Nana
        Φίλιππος Philippos2nd half of IInd century B.C. husband of Nana
        Ποσίδεος PosideosMid - 2nd half of IInd century B.C. son of Posideos
          Ποσίδεος PosideosMid - 2nd half of IInd century B.C. father of Posideos
          Εὐκράτης EukratesApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. son of Prytanis νομοφύλαξ
          Πρύτανις PrytanisApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. father of Eukrates
          Πλειστῶναξ PleistonaxApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. son of Dionysios νομοφύλαξ
          Διονύσιος DionysiosApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. father of Pleistonax
          Ἀπολλώνιος ApolloniosApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. son of Parthenokles νομοφύλαξ
          Παρθενοκλῆς ParthenoklesApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. father of Apollonios
          Ἀπολλόδωρος ApollodorosApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. son of Herogeitos ὁ ἐπὶ τᾶς διοικήσεος
          Ἡρόγειτος HerogeitosApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. father of Apollodoros
          Μηνόφιλος MenophilosApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. son of Menophilos
            Μηνόφιλος MenophilosApproximately 2nd quarter of IInd century B.C. father of Menophilos
            Ἀθαναγόρας AthanagorasIInd century B.C. Kalliadas
            Καλλιάδας KalliadasIInd century B.C. Athanagoras
            Βισθᾶς BisthasIInd century B.C. son of Dionysios
            Διονύσιος DionysiosIInd century B.C. father of Bisthas
            Γόσα GosaIInd century B.C. Philippos
            wife of Apollonios
            Φίλιππος PhilipposIInd century B.C. father of Gosa
            Ἀπολλώνιος ApolloniosIInd century B.C. husband of Gosa
            Ἡράκλειος HerakleiosIInd century B.C. son of Damatrios
            Δαμάτριος DamatriosIInd century B.C. father of Herakleios
            Ἡρόδοτος HerodotosIInd century B.C. son of Sopolis
            Σωπόλις SopolisIInd century B.C. father of Herodotos
            Κλεώ KleoIInd century B.C. daughter of Nikagoras
            wife of Nikasitimos
            Νικαγόρας NikagorasIInd century B.C. father of Kleo
            Νικασίτιμος NikasitimosIInd century B.C. husband of Kleo
            Μαρ— Mar—IInd century B.C. wife of Apo—
            Ἀπο— Apo—IInd century B.C. husband of Mar—
            Σιμαῖος SimaiosIInd century B.C. son of Damatrios
            Δαμάτριος DamatriosIInd century B.C. father of Simaios
            Τεττία TettiaIInd century B.C. daughter of Timon
            wife of Poppias
            Τίμων TimonIInd century B.C. father of Tettia
            Ποππίας PoppiasIInd century B.C. husband of Tettia
            Χρή— Chre—IInd century B.C. daughter of Dionysios
            wife of Hodoiteles
            Διονύσιος DionysiosIInd century B.C. father of Chre—
            Ὁδοιτέλης HodoitelesIInd century B.C. husband of Chre—
            —ακλ— IInd century B.C. related of Pasion
            Πασίων PasionIInd century B.C. related of
            Σαιν— Sain—IInd century B.C. related of Apollo—
            Ἀπολλο— Apollo—IInd century B.C. related of Sain—
            —ης IInd century B.C. son of
            —τειος IInd century B.C. father of
            —ιος IInd century B.C. son of —lanios
            —λάνιος —laniosIInd century B.C. father of
            —ανδρος —androsIInd century B.C. son of Dionysios
            grandson of —ochos
            Διονύσιος DionysiosIInd century B.C. father of —andros
            son of —ochos
            —οχος —ochosIInd century B.C. father of Dionysios
            grandfather of —andros
            —δωρος —dorosIInd century B.C. son of —ridas
            —ρίδας —ridasIInd century B.C. father of —doros
            —ος IInd century B.C. son of
            —νος IInd century B.C. father of
            —απολ— IInd century B.C. daughter of
            wife of
            —ος IInd century B.C. father of
            Α—χος IInd century B.C. husband of
            Ἡρώιδα HeroidaIInd century B.C. wife of —sikles
            —σικλῆς —siklesIInd century B.C. husband of Heroida
            IInd century B.C. son of Heraklios προαισιμνῶν
              Ἡράκλειος HerakliosIInd century B.C. father of
              —δώρος —dorosIInd century B.C. son of S— γραμματεύς
              Σ— S—IInd century B.C. father of —doros
              Εὐμένης EumenesIInd century B.C.
              Ἀργότας ArgotasIInd century B.C. κοίρανος Σκυθίης
              Δαματρία Damatria1st half of IInd century B.C. daughter of Timon
              wife of Antipatros
              Τίμων Timon1st half of IInd century B.C. father of Damatria
              Ἀντίπατρος Antipatros1st half of IInd century B.C. husband of Damatria