V 304. Pantikapaion.Epitaph of Kyriakos (?), 497–498 C.E.
Dimensions (cm)
H.23.0, W.22.0, Th.12.0.
Additional description
Broken on the top and left.
Place of Origin
Find place
Kerch (?).
Find context
Find circumstances
Modern location
Kerch, Crimea.
Institution and inventory
Historical and Archeological Museum of Kerch State Historical and Cultural Preserve, no inventory number.
May 1999, September 2005.
Epigraphic field
On the front.
Lapidary; letters with serifs. Alpha with broken crossbar, delta with extended horizontal and pointy apex.
Letterheights (cm)
497–498 C.E.
Dating criteria
Explicit date.
L1. Latyshev1904, 86, № 100; 1.1. Diatroptov, Yemets1995, 1; 1.2. Vinogradov1998, 243–244, № 6.
<div type="edition" xml:lang="grc">
<lb n="1"/><gap reason="illegible" quantity="3" unit="character"/>
<lb n="2"/><expan><abbr><supplied reason="lost">Κυ</supplied>ριακ</abbr><ex cert="low">ός</ex></expan>
<lb n="3"/><supplied reason="lost">Λεο</supplied>ντήσ<unclear>κ</unclear><supplied reason="lost">ου</supplied>
<lb n="4"/><supplied reason="lost">ἔτο</supplied>υς <num value="794">δϞψ</num> <g ref="#stauros"/>
Apparatus criticus
1-2: [ΟΙΜΗ ...]ντήσι Yu. Vinogradov;
om. Latyshev
3: δφψ´Latyshev; corr. idem
...Kyriakos (?), son of Leontiskos (?), in the year 794.
1–3. Latyshev did not attempt a critical edition of the first two lines, while an attempt of Yu.G. Vinogradov to read line 1 as ἐκ]οιμή[θη runs into several problems: firstly, this shape of mu is not attested in Bosporus at the end of the Vth century, so the strokes most likely belong to a typical alpha with broken crossbar; secondly, such a formula is not known in Bosporus prior to the VIII-IXth centuries (see V 318, V 319, V 320, V 321. On the name Kyriakos, see commentary to V 72. The name Leontiskos (here Leonteskos) is quite rare: it occurs in one Christian ((MAMA I 274, Pisidia) and in one Jewish (CIJ 701, Larissa) inscription.
4. Latyshev mistyped the year in Greek, but it is correct in his translation. On the correspondence between the year 'since Creation' and 'since the Birth of Christ' in the Middle Byzantine period, see Introduction IV. 4. D.
Although almost none of the late Bosporan tombstones are made of marble - in contrast to building inscriptions and Early Byzantine tombstones (cf. V 265, V 314) - still the physical shape of the monument is very close to that of tombstones. This is the latest inscription dated precisely according to the Bosporan era (cf. V 275): ca. 528 C.E., a Byzantine garrison was established in Bosporus (Ioannes Malalas. Chronographia 432), and the latter became part of the imperial domain.
© 2015 Andrey Vinogradov (edition), Irene Polinskaya (translation)
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