III 28. Chersonesos.Decree honouring naukleros, 1st half of II century C.E.






Dimensions (cm)

H.25.0, W.15.5, Th.9.0.

Additional description

Broken off on all sides. The front is polished. 

Place of Origin


Find place

Sevastopol (Chersonesos). 

Find context

Northeast sector of the citadel: area of the Eastern Basilica (№ 36) and Uvarov Basilica. 

Find circumstances

Found in 1877-1878, excavations of the Odessa Society for History and Antiquities. 

Modern location


Institution and inventory

National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos, 3346. 

Epigraphic field


On the front. 


Small round omicron, large round omega; large serifs. 

Letterheights (cm)






1st half of II century C.E. 

Dating criteria



Yurgevich1879, 6, № 2; IOSPE I 187; IOSPE I2 365, l. 12-21. 


[--- κα]λ̣ο̣[κἀγαθίαν? ---]
[--- αὐ]τ̣ὸν ἀμ̣[είψασθαι ἐψαφισάμεθα· δι’ ἃ δεδόχθαι τᾷ]
[βουλ]ᾶι καὶ τῷ [δάμωι· ἐπαινέσαι μὲν ἐπὶ τούτοις ---]
[--- Ἡ]ρ̣άκου ναύκ[λαρον ---], [δόμεν δ̣ὲ αὐτῶι προξενίας]
5[πολιτ]ε̣ίαν, ἔσπλου[ν τε καὶ ἔκπλουν ἐν εἰράνᾳ καὶ πολέμῳ]
[ἀσυλεὶ ἀ]σπονδεὶ αὐ[τῶι καὶ ἐκγόνοις καὶ χράμασιν αὐτοῦ],
[μ̣ε̣τ̣ο̣χ̣ά̣ν̣ τ̣ε̣ πά]ν̣των τῶν [ἐν τᾶι πόλει, ὧν καὶ τοῖς ἀστοῖς]
[μέτεστιν· τὸ δὲ ψά]φ̣ιγμα τοῦ[το ἀναγραφᾶμεν λευκολίθου]
[στάλαι καὶ θέμεν ἐν τῷ] ἐπισαμ[οτάτῳ τᾶς ἀκροπόλιος τόπῳ·]
10[τᾶυτ’ ἔδοξε βουλᾶι δά]μ̣ωι, βασ[ιλευούσας Παρθένου ---]
[---]Σ. [---]



EpiDoc (XML)

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         <supplied reason="lost">ἐψαφισάμεθα· δι’ ἃ δεδόχθαι 
    <lb n="3"/><supplied reason="lost">βουλ</supplied>ᾶι καὶ τῷ 
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         ἔσπλου<supplied reason="lost">ν</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">τε καὶ 
         ἔκπλουν ἐν εἰράνᾳ καὶ πολέμῳ</supplied>
    <lb n="6"/><supplied reason="lost">ἀσυλεὶ</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">ἀ</supplied>σπονδεὶ 
         αὐ<supplied reason="lost">τῶι</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">καὶ ἐκγόνοις 
         καὶ χράμασιν αὐτοῦ</supplied>,
    <lb n="7"/><supplied reason="lost"><unclear>μετοχάν</unclear> <unclear>τε</unclear></supplied> 
         <supplied reason="lost">πά</supplied><unclear>ν</unclear>των 
         τῶν <supplied reason="lost">ἐν τᾶι πόλει, ὧν καὶ 
         τοῖς ἀστοῖς</supplied>
    <lb n="8"/><supplied reason="lost">μέτεστιν· τὸ δὲ</supplied> 
         <supplied reason="lost">ψά</supplied><unclear>φ</unclear>ιγμα τοῦ<supplied reason="lost">το</supplied> 
         <supplied reason="lost">ἀναγραφᾶμεν λευκολίθου</supplied>
    <lb n="9"/><supplied reason="lost">στάλαι καὶ θέμεν ἐν τῷ</supplied> 
         ἐπισαμ<supplied reason="lost">οτάτῳ</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">τᾶς 
         ἀκροπόλιος τόπῳ·</supplied>
    <lb n="10"/><supplied reason="lost">τᾶυτ’ ἔδοξε βουλᾶι</supplied> 
         <supplied reason="lost">δά</supplied><unclear>μ</unclear>ωι, 
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Latyshev1907a, 50. 

Apparatus criticus

1: scripsi
2: [- - -]οναι[- - -]IOSPE; [- - - αὐ]τ̣ὸν ἀμ̣[είψασθαι ἐψαφισάμεθα] restitui
4: [Ἡρ]άκουIOSPE; после ναύκ[λαρον], ethnicon?
8: [ψά]φι(σ)μαIOSPE


[- - - nobi]li[ty - - - we decided to repay] him; [for which reasons, the Counc]il and the [People shall deem it good, first of all, to praise, on account of these, [---, (son of) He]rakos, a nau[kleros , and to grant him citizen]ship on the grounds of proxeny,] the right of sail[ing in and out of the harbour in peace time and in war time, without a threat of confiscation and without a formal [treaty, for him, [his descendants and his goods, sharing in eve]rything [in the city that the citizens share; to inscribe this de]cision on a stele of white stone and set it up in the most] prom[inent place of the acropolis. This was decided by the Council and the Peop]le, in the reign [of Parthenos...] - - -.



IOSPE I 187 was published as a fragment of № ipe365; IOSPE I2 365, l. 12-21 was published as the bottom fragment of № ipe365.

2: start of the line - bottom of a vertical; at the end - M or N.

4: start of the line - bottom of a vertical before A.



(cc)© 2017 Igor Makarov (edition), Irene Polinskaya (translation)
You may download this inscription in EpiDoc XML. (This file should validate to theEpiDoc schema.)