III 65. Chersonesos.Decree mentioning a sanctuary of Asklepios, 2nd half of I - early II century C.E.
Dimensions (cm)
H.22.0, W.14.0, Th.7.0.
Additional description
The front is polished.
Place of Origin
Find place
Sevastopol (Chersonesos).
Find context
Northeast sector of the citadel: area of the Eastern Basilica (№ 36) and Uvarov Basilica.
Find circumstances
Found in 1877-1878, excavations of the Odessa Society for History and Antiquities
Modern location
Institution and inventory
National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos, 3354.
Epigraphic field
On the front.
Slightly elongated, quite narrow letters, oval theta with detached crossbar, pi with even verticals and extended horizontal, four-bar sigma with parallel top and bottom bars, prominent flaring of the ends of letterstrokes.
Letterheights (cm)
2nd half of I - early II century C.E.
Dating criteria
Yurgevich1879, 3, № 1; IOSPE I 189; IOSPE I2 376.
[κοσ?]μίως πα[--- ἀμείψασθαι ---]
[---]Γ̣Α<Ν> ταῖς πρεπούσ[αις τιμαῖς καθᾶκον ἔμμεν ἔδοξεν]·
[δι’ ἃ] δεδόχθαι τᾶι βου[λᾷ καὶ τῶι δάμῳ· ἐπαινέσαι μὲν πρό-]
5[τερον] ἐπὶ τούτοις Ἡδυ̣[---]
[δόμε]ν δὲ αὐτῶι προξ[ενίαν --- ἐν εἰράνᾳ]
[καὶ πο]λέμωι ἀσυλε[ὶ ἀσπονδεὶ αὐτῶι τε καὶ τοῖς ἐκγό-]
[νοις] αὐτοῦ καὶ χρήμ[ασι], [μετοχάν τε πάντων ὧν καὶ]
[τοῖς Χ]ερσονασείταις [μέτεστι· τὸ δὲ ψάφισμα τοῦ-]
10[το ἀ]ναγραφῆμεν λευ[κολίθου στάλαι καὶ θέμεν ἐν τῶι ἱε-]
[ρῶι] τοῦ Ἀσκλαπιοῦ̣· [ταῦτ’ ἔδοξε βουλᾶι καὶ δά-]
[μωι], [β]ασιλευούσ[ας] Παρθένου [---]
3: orig. ΓΑΛΙ
3: orig. ΓΑΛΙ
<div type="edition" xml:lang="grc">
<lb n="0"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="line"/>
<lb n="1"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/><orig>Λ</orig><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
<lb n="2"/><supplied reason="lost" cert="low">κοσ</supplied>μίως
<w part="I">πα</w><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">ἀμείψασθαι</supplied>
<gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
<lb n="3"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/><w part="F"><unclear>Γ</unclear>Α<choice><corr>Ν</corr><sic>ΛΙ</sic></choice></w>
ταῖς πρεπούσ<supplied reason="lost">αις</supplied>
<supplied reason="lost">τιμαῖς καθᾶκον ἔμμεν ἔδοξεν</supplied>·
<lb n="4"/><supplied reason="lost">δι’ ἃ</supplied> δεδόχθαι τᾶι
βου<supplied reason="lost">λᾷ</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">καὶ τῶι δάμῳ·
ἐπαινέσαι μὲν</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">πρό</supplied>
<lb n="5" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">τερον</supplied> ἐπὶ τούτοις
<seg part="I">Ἡδ<unclear>υ</unclear></seg><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
<lb n="6"/><supplied reason="lost">δόμε</supplied>ν δὲ αὐτῶι
προξ<supplied reason="lost">ενίαν</supplied> <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
<supplied reason="lost">ἐν εἰράνᾳ</supplied>
<lb n="7"/><supplied reason="lost">καὶ</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">πο</supplied>λέμωι
ἀσυλε<supplied reason="lost">ὶ</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">ἀσπονδεὶ αὐτῶι τε
καὶ τοῖς</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">ἐκγό</supplied>
<lb n="8" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">νοις</supplied> αὐτοῦ καὶ
χρήμ<supplied reason="lost">ασι</supplied>, <supplied reason="lost">μετοχάν τε
πάντων ὧν καὶ</supplied>
<lb n="9"/><supplied reason="lost">τοῖς</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">Χ</supplied>ερσονασείταις
<supplied reason="lost">μέτεστι· τὸ δὲ ψάφισμα</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">τοῦ</supplied>
<lb n="10" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">το</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">ἀ</supplied>ναγραφῆμεν
λευ<supplied reason="lost">κολίθου</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">στάλαι καὶ θέμεν
ἐν τῶι</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">ἱε</supplied>
<lb n="11" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">ρῶι</supplied> τοῦ Ἀσκλαπιο<unclear>ῦ</unclear>·
<supplied reason="lost">ταῦτ’ ἔδοξε βουλᾶι καὶ</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">δά</supplied>
<lb n="12" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">μωι</supplied>,
<supplied reason="lost">β</supplied>ασιλευούσ<supplied reason="lost">ας</supplied>
Παρθένου <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
<lb n="12a"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="line"/>
Tyumenev1950, 18; Golenko, Shcheglov1965, 373 сл.; Makarov2006, 86 сл..
Apparatus criticus
ἐπαινέσαι scripsi;
[πρό/τερον] supplevi
Ἡδ[υγένην - - -]IOSPE
6 fin. - 7 in.: scripsi
προξ[ενίαν καὶ ἔσπλουν ἐν εἰράνᾳ] / [καὶ ἐν πο]λέμωιIOSPE
[- - - decided that it was fitting to repay with appropriate honours. For which reasons the Council and the People shall deem it good to praise, first of all, on account of these, Hedy[- - -] and to grant him prox[eny - - - , in peace time] and in war time, without a threat of conf[iscation and without a formal treat[y, for him, his descendants] and his goods, [as well as a share in all the things shared by the] Chersonesites. [To inscribe this decision on a stele of white stone and set it up in the sanctuary of Asklepios. [This was decided by the Council and the People, in the r]eig[n of] Parthenos [- - -]
© 2017 Igor Makarov (edition), Irene Polinskaya (translation)
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