I 24. Tyras.Building inscription of the Roman garrison, 114-117 C.E.
Marble, white with gray veins.
Dimensions (cm)
H.28.2, W.36.6, Th.15.3-16.7.
Additional description
On the front: Greek inscription (I 23), on the back: Latin inscription, made in secondary usage of the block. The front and back are polished, the rest are broken off. The front is even; on the back there is an flat area 9-10cm wide, below which the surface recedes towards front, so that the block becomes thinner. In the center, a circular depression (Diam. 10cm) from an object that rested on the base in tertiary usage. The circle damaged the Latin inscription.
Place of Origin
Find place
Find context
In secondary context; in the first courtyard of the fortress (after the removal of the Turkish {mound?} {sand bank?}, in the area of Pushkin Tower.
Find circumstances
Random find by V.P. Pushkarev in 1982. The latter passed it on to the museum. Field catalogue number БД-82, № 58.
Modern location
Institution and inventory
Odessa Archaeological Museum, 88366.
A.I. Ivantchik, August 2007.
Epigraphic field
On the back. The text is at 180° angle to the Greek text on the front. The center of the epigraphic field is damaged by a circular depression from an object that rested on the base in tertiary usage. The Latin text is inscribed without regard to the profile of the block, suggesting seconday usage. Broken off on all sides. H.27.5, W.34.6
Deeply, evenly and neatly cut letters, adorned with light serifs. Average distance between lines: 1,0cm.
Letterheights (cm)
10.5 (line 1). 9.6 (line 2). 6.0 (line 3. but not fully preserved).
Building inscription.
114-117 C.E.
Dating criteria
Titulature, palaeography.
<div type="edition" xml:lang="la">
<lb n="1"/><supplied reason="lost"><expan><abbr>Imp</abbr><ex>eratori</ex></expan> Nervae</supplied>
<supplied reason="lost">Tr</supplied><unclear>a</unclear>i<unclear>a</unclear>n<supplied reason="lost">o</supplied>
<supplied reason="lost">Caesari</supplied>
<lb n="2"/><supplied reason="lost">Optimo <expan><abbr>Aug</abbr><ex>usto</ex></expan></supplied>
<supplied reason="lost">G</supplied>er<unclear>m</unclear><unclear>a</unclear><supplied reason="lost">nico</supplied>
<expan><abbr>Dac</abbr><ex>ico</ex></expan> <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
<lb n="3"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <unclear>per</unclear>
<unclear>vex</unclear><supplied reason="lost">ilationem</supplied>
<supplied reason="lost"><expan><abbr>leg</abbr><ex>ionis</ex></expan></supplied>
<gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">fecit</supplied>
Apparatus criticus
[To emperor Nerva Tr]aianus [Caesar, Augustus Optimus, G]erman[, Dacian - - -] through the vex[illatio of the legion - - - made]
© 2017 Askold Ivantchik (edition), Irene Polinskaya (translation)
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